
Achievement of Carbon Neutrality

Updated in October 2023

Achievement of Carbon Neutrality

Roadmap to FY2050

Denka announced in FY2020 that it would be carbon neutral by FY2050. As a milestone, we have established the interim target of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% (compared to FY2013) by FY2030.
Annual emissions from Denka and its Group companies in FY2021 increased compared to the previous year, when plant operations declined significantly due to the outbreak of COVID-19. However, thanks to efforts to promote energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energy (hydroelectric power), total emissions amounted to 2.15 million tons, 87% of the FY2013 level.
As part of measures to achieve carbon neutrality, we will continue to promote the following.

Promotion of energy conservation High-efficiency gas turbine generators were introduced at the Omi Plant (started operation in October 2020) and the Chiba Plant (started operation in June 2022).
We will continue to promote thorough energy conservation at all of our business sites.
Further introduction of renewable energy Denka currently has 17 hydroelectric power generation facilities (1 of which started operation in FY2022).
In the future, we will actively consider the introduction of solar power generation and further promote the use of other forms of renewable energy.
Introduction of innovative technology Denka is promoting joint development with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology with the aim of implementing CO2 recovery technologies by FY2030.

We are exploring and considering the development of chemical diversion for use of recovered CO2, with a view to collaborating with local communities and surrounding companies. We are also considering the introduction and development of an environmental impact reduction process to reduce CO2 emissions. By combining these technological developments and collaboration with external partners, we will steadily reduce CO2 emissions generated by our business operations.

Medium- and long-term targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + 2)

Medium- and long-term targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + 2)

  • * Denka Group (consolidated)
  • * Starting from the Denka Report 2021, values for the entire Denka Group are shown.

Roadmap toward carbon neutrality

Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Burden

To fulfill its social responsibilities as a chemical manufacturer, the Denka Group is striving to reduce the environmental burden attributable to its own operations while also striving to resolve environmental concerns by recycling waste plastic and conserving biodiversity through its products and technologies.

1. Resource Recycling and Chemical Recycling
  • Denka and Toyo Styrene Co., Ltd., an equity method affiliate, have launched initiatives to commercialize the chemical recycling of polystyrene resins. With technologies licensed from U.S.-based Agilyx Corporation, we have finalized plans for the construction of a plant (annual processing capacity: Approx. 3,000 tons) at our Chiba Plant, with plans to commence operations in the second half of FY2023. The chemical recycling process we are currently studying is expected to remove restrictions on the usage of recycled polystyrene and thus serve as an epoch-making alternative to conventional material recycling processes. Moreover, the volume of CO2 deriving from the chemical recycling of polystyrene is around half that of regular production. We will continue efforts to realize full implementation as soon as possible.

  • Resource Recycling and Chemical Recycling

2. Efforts to Biodiversity

We expect that it will take some time to collect, organize, review, and make decisions on natural environmental information. Using the LEAP approach* recommended in the TNFD guidelines, Denka began taking action in September 2022 with a view to finding contact points between our business activities and biodiversity and identifying priority issues.
More specifically, after conducting a surveys of the natural environment surrounding seven business sites in Japan using public data and literature, we have begun extracting and assessing points of contact with nature, focusing first on our Omi Plant (Itoigawa, Niigata), which has 17 hydroelectric power plants in the nearby mountains and has the greatest contact with the natural environment.
Based on these surveys, we will analyze the risks and opportunities that face us in relation to the natural environment and take concrete measures to conserve biodiversity. In the near future, we will gradually expand the scope of our activities to other business sites and continue the cycle of the above activities with the aim of maintaining and improving the natural environment from a long-term perspective.

  • *The process of systematic, evidence-based assessment advocated by TNFD for companies to disclose nature-related risks and opportunities. It consists of four phases (Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare).
3. Initiatives Related to Eco-Friendly Products
Carbonization agent “LEAF”

Taking advantage of special cement additive technologies we have nurtured over many years, we have developed “LEAF,” a carbonization agent made using ingredients derived from industrial waste. “LEAF” vigorously converts CO2 into chemically stable calcium carbonate. When “LEAF” is mixed into CO2-SUICOM, an eco-friendly concrete co-developed by Denka, the Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Kajima Corporation and LANDES Co., Ltd., the resulting concrete absorbs CO2 via carbonization as it hardens. Employing a combination of these products, we will help reduce net CO2 emissions attributable to cement manufacturing.

Electronic circuit substrate “SN Plate”

Denka’s “SN Plate” is a ceramic substrate boasting superiority in terms of heat conductivity and toughness. With a heat conductivity approximately four times of that of alumina, SN Plate is based on Si3N4, a silicon nitride characterized by superior resilience and mechanical properties. Thanks to improved heat conductivity in addition to its mechanical properties, SN Plate is used as substrate for lightweight power modules used for EV, railcar and other applications requiring high reliability. In anticipation of the accelerated popularization of EVs in the automotive industry, we will contribute our material technologies to support this trend and thereby help reduce CO2 emissions attributable to this industry.


DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク

Stance on Environmental Management

Aiming to Achieve “Net Zero” in Terms of CO2 Emissions by Fiscal 2050 While Striving to Reduce Emissions by 50% by Fiscal 2030 from the Fiscal 2013 Level

The Denka Group strives to achieve carbon neutrality, that is, “net zero” in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, by the end of fiscal 2050, with the aim of contributing to the realization of goals of the Paris Agreement, an international framework agreed upon by major countries to preserve the natural environment so that human society and natural ecosystems can remain viable into the future. To this end, we will strive to push ahead with energy saving while promoting the use of renewable energy, such as hydroelectric power generation. In addition, we will take on the challenge of technological innovation in Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), which is the separation and collection of CO2 emitted by plant facilities, as well as in hydrogen-fired power generation and other clean energy technologies. Furthermore, with the aim of curbing the volume of GHG emissions from our business bases and contributing to decarbonization throughout society, we will promote the development and provision of eco-friendly products and technologies designed to reduce environmental burden while stepping up resource recycling via the introduction of a novel method for plastic recycling.

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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