
Promoting the Use of Clean Energy

Updated in October 2023

Promoting the Use of Clean Energy

Expansion of Renewable Energy Sources and Introduction of Power Generation Technologies with Low Environmental Impact

Denka has been working on the use of renewable energy for more than 100 years. Specifically, we have engaged in technological pursuits on two fronts, namely (1) leveraging hydroelectric power generation and other technologies to create renewable energy while (2) fully taking advantage of this energy in chemical manufacturing and utilizing it as a valuable energy source. In order to contribute to the preservation of the global environment through the use of these technologies, we will further focus our efforts on the use of renewable energy, one of our strengths.

  1. Future Outlook for Our Renewable Energy Generation Capacity
    • In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we have begun efforts to achieve "maximum renewable energy generation output: 150 MW" by increasing hydroelectric power generation and increasing our use of green energy through new solar power generation as part of "Mission 2030". Currently, we are promoting improvements in power generation efficiency through the renewal of existing hydroelectric power plants and the introduction of new solar power generation facilities at each plant. Further, as a medium- to long-term response, we are working to accelerate our efforts to increase our use of renewable energy, focusing on the construction of new hydroelectric power plants, as well as examining the possibility of introducing wind and geothermal power generation.

    • Breakdown of Energy Consumption by Source

    Future Outlook for Our Renewable Energy Generation Capacity(Power generation capacity MW)
      FY2005 FY2022 FY2030
    Hydroelectric 111 140 141
    Solar, etc. 3 6 13
    Total 114 146 154
    • *The above figures include 50% of the power output from power plants run by Kurobegawa Electric Power Company (a joint venture co-owned by Denka and Hokuriku Electric Power Company).
  2. Denka Hydroelectric Power

    The Omi Plant is geographically situated amid a web of 17 hydroelectric power plants, including power plans co-owned together with Kurobegawa Electric Power Company, which boast a combined maximum output of approximately 140,000 kW, making this one of the largest private-owned power generation networks of its kind in Japan. All of these facilities employ a natural inflow type hydroelectric power generation system that ushers river water into the turbine runners and returns it to the river as soon it leaves the generator. Thanks to these features, this type of hydroelectric power plant places a relatively smaller burden on the natural environment. Moreover, hydroelectric power plants generate virtually no greenhouse gases while serving as a renewable energy source with superior energy efficiency. Thus, these power plants are capable of harmoniously coexisting with the natural environment while generating electricity in a sustainable manner. We aim to make effective use of these resources to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

    Hydroelectric power plants Japan 17plants, Power generation capacity 140,290kW

    • *As of August 2023, including Denka’s ownership of output from power plants owned by a joint venture

    New Omigawa Hydroelectric Power Plant (started operation in 2021)New Omigawa Hydroelectric Power Plant (started operation in 2021)

    New Himekawa No.6 Hydroelectric Power Plant (started operation in 2022)New Himekawa No.6 Hydroelectric Power Plant (started operation in 2022)

  3. Energy Conservation Initiatives

    Rationalizing the use of energy is an effective means of achieving carbon neutrality. To date, we have been making efforts to efficiently utilize energy by switching to alternative fuels at our thermal power plants, introducing high-efficiency gas turbine power generators, and promoting waste heat power generation at our cement plants. Most recently, a high-efficiency gas turbine power generator was put into operation at the Omi Plant in 2020, and a similar gas turbine started operation at the Chiba Plant in 2022.

    Gas turbine power generation facilities at the Omi Plant, which began operation in 2020Gas turbine power generation facilities at the Omi Plant, which began operation in 2020

    Gas turbine power generation facilities at the Chiba Plant, which began operation in 2022Gas turbine power generation facilities at the Chiba Plant, which began operation in 2022

  4. Solar Power Generation Initiatives
    • We began installing solar power generation facilities at our Shibukawa and Isesaki plants in Gunma Prefecture in 2013.
      We are currently considering new candidate sites for each of our domestic plants and group companies. In order to quickly achieve and further increase the maximum renewable energy output of 150MW, one the non-financial KPIs in our management plan, "Mission 2030", we will promote the introduction of solar power generation facilities at the Chiba Plant and overseas offices (Singapore, etc.) and study the possibility of introducing such facilities at all our business sites.

    • DENKA Solar Power ShibukawaDENKA Solar Power Shibukawa

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク

Initiatives in Electric Power Generation

Hydroelectric power plants around Omi Plant and their maximum outputs

Hydroelectric power plants around Omi Plant and their maximum outputs

Total maximum output of Denka’s in-house power generation (as of August 2022)
Facility Map   Maximum output (kW) The amount Denka is entitled to (kW)
Hydroelectric 1 Omigawa 3,300   3,300  
  2 Kotakigawa 5,200   5,200  
  3 Oami 28,400   28,400  
  4 Otokorogawa 9,800   9,800  
  5 Yokokawa No.1 10,000   10,000  
  6 Yokokawa No.2 16,000   16,000  
  7 Umikawa No.1 3,800   3,800  
  8 Umikawa No.2 4,700   4,700  
  9 Umikawa No.3 2,600   2,600  
  10 Umikawa No.4 990   990 (FIT)
  11 Umikawa No.6 26,000 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 13,000  
  12 Takigami 15,000 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 7,500  
  13 Nagatoga 5,000 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 2,500  
  14 Sasakura No.2 10,200 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 5,100  
  15 Kita-otari 10,700 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 5,350  
  16 New Omigawa 8,100   8,100 (FIT)
  17 New Himekawa 27,900 Kurobegawa Electric Power Co. 13,950 (FIT)
Total maximum output     187,690   140,290  
Total in-house consumption
(excluding output for FIT)
    -   117,250  
Solar   Shibukawa 1,990   1,990 (FIT)
    Isesaki 1,000   1,000 (FIT)
Total maximum output     2,990   2,990  
Thermal (LNG)   Omi 14,000   14,000  
Thermal (waste heat and biomass boiler)   Omi cement 11,100   11,100  
Thermal (Gas turbines and cogeneration)   Omi (Tomi) 34,685   34,685  
    Chiba 16,620   16,620  
Thermal (diesel)   Shibukawa 1,000   1,000  
Total maximum output     77,405   77,405  
Total maximum output (including output for FIT)         220,685  
Total maximum output for in-house consumption         194,655  
DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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