Updated October 2023
Denka strives to accurately gauge the volume of environmental load substances emitted from production facilities run by its Group companies while continuously working to reduce them. These substances include greenhouse gases, such as CO2, SOx (sulfur oxides), NOx (nitrogen oxides), soot and dust, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand), and other substances designated by the PRTR system (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Law). With marine plastic waste becoming a social issue, we are also focusing our efforts on reducing and recycling plastic waste as stipulated in the Law for Promotion of Recycling of Plastic Resources, which came into force in April 2022.
We will actively introduce equipment to remove substances that have a negative environmental impact, comply with voluntary management standards that are stricter than those set by relevant laws and regulations, and continue to strive to reduce the amount of environmental load substances.
Roadmap to FY2050 Denka announced in FY2020 that it would be carbo...
Aiming to Achieve “Net Zero” in Terms of CO2 Emissions by Fiscal 2050 Whi...
Denka strives to accurately gauge the volume of environmental load substa...
Initiatives Aimed at Curbing GHG Emissions To contribute to the realiz...
Responding to Risks and Opportunities To assess risks and opportunitie...
Expansion of Renewable Energy Sources and Introduction of Power Generat...
Hydroelectric power plants around Omi Plant and their maximum outputs ...
Government Subsidies Related to the Environment and Energy We proactiv...
Along with measures to combat climate change, coexistence with the natur...
Background The issue of limited water resources is recognized as a g...
The Denka Group is proactively developing and providing innovative soluti...
Overview of Environmental Impacts(Total of All Denka Main Sites) ...
CO2 emissions In FY2022, production at our main plants, the Omuta P...
Fiscal 2022 Emissions of major substances and percentage of water usage ...