
Health Management

Updated in October 2023

Health Management

Encouraging our employees and their families to stay healthy is an important issue faced by Denka in its business management. We are committed to promoting health management with the aim of increasing corporate value by ensuring that our employees are both physically and mentally healthy as they engage in their work, perform at their full potential, and increase their productivity.
In January 2021, we established Health Promoting Sec. as an organization for the implementation of this initiative. In April 2021, we issued a press release announcing the Declaration of Health and Productivity Management, which articulates the philosophy and Denka Principles for our health management.

Declaration of Health and Productivity Management

April 1, 2021

  1. Denka established The Denka Value, its corporate philosophy, and pursues its mission, “Taking on the challenge of expanding the possibilities of chemistry to create new value and contribute to sound social development.” Leveraging the advantages Denka wields in its specialties, it pursues sound, sustainable growth.
  2. In the pursuit of sound growth, Denka believes that its employees are important assets. Accordingly, Denka is actively committed to creating an environment where each individual employee is able to fully demonstrate their capabilities, and to enhancing the health and well-being of its employees and their families.
  3. As part of this commitment, Denka declares its determination to practice "health and productivity management" that organizationally supports the well-being of its employees to ensure they are able to maintain their physical and mental health and continue working energetically.
  4. Through the healthcare business, which is one of its businesses, Denka also contributes to the enhancement of the health and QOL of our employees and people around the world.

Toshio Imai
Representative Director, President
Denka Company Limited

Denka Principles
  1. To protect the well-being of our human resources and their families, the entire Denka Group comes together to implement activities for health and productivity management, including encour-aging employees and their families to stay healthy. These activities are based on our offices' ex-isting labor safety and health systems and also involve the cooperation of health insurance asso-ciations and labor unions, with the new Health Promoting Sec. playing a central role.
  2. Denka will stay focused on the creation of an environment where each one of its employees is committed to the enhancement of their health to enrich their own lives and truly represent "The Denka Value."
Promotion system

In order to promote health management that is integrated with corporate management, Chief Human Resource Officer(CHRO) serves as the Chief Health Management Officer and promotes health management in cooperation with health insurance unions, industrial physicians and other medical staff, and labor unions.
The secretariat provides annual feedback on the status of health issues and measures implemented at each business site, including plants, in Japan. The secretariat also provides a range of support to strengthen the promotion of health management at each business site.

Promotion system

Health and productivity management is also promoted in conjunction with initiatives related to worksite safety, and health,security and disaster prevention. Specific policy, framework, initiatives and indicators, etc. are disclosed below.

Health Challenges and Goals

In order to achieve the goals of health and productivity management, namely "creating an environment where each individual employee is able to fully demonstrate their capabilities" and "enhancing the health and well-being of its employees and their families." we have created a Health Management Strategy Map that illustrates the connections between goals and relationships of each policy through health management investments.
In order to create a workplace environment that supports the wellbeing of our employees to enable them to work to their full potential, both physically and mentally for the realization of a company, which enables each individual employee to feel their own growth andmake employees want to come to work again tomorrow, we have set the improvement goals. Specifically, the goal for mental health is to "reduce the number of highly stressed employees," and to "increase the number of employees with ideal body weight" for physical health.
We have positioned improvements in "exercise habits" and "anti-smoking" as priority challenges and will continue to deploy measures to achieve the aforementioned improvement goals. Based on the results of an analysis of health issues, we have added "increased risk of lifestyle-related diseases" and "employee aging" as priority issues, and have established goals of "enhancing approaches for prediabetes" and "reducing fall accidents" in order to further enhance related measures.

1) Health Management Strategy Map

Health Management Strategy Map

2) Actual Figures and Target Figures for Main Indicators

The main target figures fluctuated due to restrictions on leaving home and the increased use of remote work caused by COVID-19.
While reinforcing measures related to the improvement of each indicator, we will also assess the impact of the measures on indicator improvements.

Indicators Results Targets
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2025 FY2030
Absenteeism (%) 0.43 0.69 0.65
Employees with ideal body weight (%) 67.4 66.3 64.3 64.9 65.0 63.9 68.0 80.0
Employees with high stress levels (%) 13.6 13.1 12.9 12.7 13.4 14.8 11.0 Below
Good exercise habits (%) 31.3 32.7 33.1 33.0 32.9 32.5 37.0 Below
Smokers (%) 34.0 32.4 33.7 32.3 31.0 26.8 21.0 Below
  • * Absenteeism is calculated by dividing the number of sick leave days for all employees by the number of prescribed working days for all employees x 100.
  • * Absenteeism covers all employees, with an average of 5,265 employees in fiscal 2022.
  • * The number of employees within an appropriate body weight limit is calculated based on the number of employees with a healthy BMI divided by the number of employees who have undergone medical exams.
  • * Employees with high stress levels are calculated based on the number of highly stressed employees divided by the number of employees who have received a stress test.
    Employees with high stress levels: Highly stressed employees requiring guidance by a doctor based on the result of a stress test.
  • * Good exercise habits are calculated based on the number of employees who answered that they have good exercise habits during regular health checkups divided by the number of employees receiving the checkups.
3) Relevant Indicators
Indicators Results
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of employees that had periodic health exams (%) 99.9 99.7 99.6 100
Percentage of employees that had a stress test (%) 95.2 98.0 98.1 98.3 93.2 94.6
Percentage of specific health guidance implemented (%) 35.7 43.8 63.6 35.4 41.1
Total working hours (hours) 1,942 1,943 1,931 1,928 1,953 1,916
Total overtime hours (hours / person) 130 140 135 133 172 157
Number of paid vacation days used (days) 10.5 11.8 12.7 13.1 15.0 16.0
Percentage of paid annual vacation days used (%) 55.0 62.0 67.0 69.0 73.0 80.0
Number of employees leaving the company (persons) 44 53 47 87 94 103
  • The percentage of employees who received a thorough examination after a periodic health exam was 61.1% in fiscal 2022.
Measures to Achieve Goals
1) Mental Health Care
Stress Check
Stress tests are conducted once a year to help each employee understand his/her own stress condition and to support self-care to prevent stress and reduce stressors.
In addition, we conduct interviews using industrial physicians for employees who have been diagnosed with high stress levels in close cooperation with industrial medical staff.
Furthermore, group analysis is conducted on an organizational basis to identify overall health risks, status of highly stressed employees, stress factors, etc., and then improvements are made in the workplace and work environment to reduce risks.
Support from external specialized organization
We have established an external 24-hour health counseling service by doctors and other specialists for our employees and their families. In addition to mental health counseling, the service provides a wide range of health and medical consultation services to support employees in managing their mental and physical health.
Enhancement of benifits
We have established various benefit plans for employees and their families with the aim of enriching employees' personal lives and improving their health through refreshing both physically and mentally.
Employees can freely access a wide range of benefits, including accommodation, gourmet meals, leisure, sports, etc., to help them achieve a better work-life balance.
2) Lifestyle-related Diseases
Specilied health checkups and specific health guidance
We include specified health checkups as part of regular health checkups for all ages at all of our business sites in Japan. We have established a system that ensures that employees are able to check their own risk of lifestyle-related diseases once a year.
We are also working to improve the implementation percentage for specific health guidance through cooperation between employer and health insurance association.
Anti-Smoking Support
As an enhancement measure for anti-smoking activities, we introduced a remote smoking cessation counselling last fiscal year. We aim to further reduce the percentage of smokers by adding smoking cessation clinic support and assistance in purchasing tools such as smoking cessation aids (patches, gum) to help smokers choose measures that best suit their individual circumstances.
In addition, we are gradually creating a smoke-free environment with a target of the removal of all smoking areas at every site by 2026.
Introduction of health support app
As part of our population approach, we are deploying a health support app for smartphones.
The application supports employees for their active health improvement by tracking daily steps and physical condition, improving health literacy through health-related quizzes and columns, and establishing daily excise habits through individual and team competition events in which participants compete in the number of steps taken.
Labor and Management jointly sponsored walking contest
In collaboration with the labor union, a walking competition was held for domestic business sites to compete for the average number of steps taken per team.
In addition to the President's Award given to the overall top teams, Labor Union and Perfect-Match Awards were given to top teams of each site. The report on the award ceremony were posted at each site, making it more exciting for everyone, including teams that ranked lower. The event contributed not only to improving physical fitness, but also to encouraging communication.
In fiscal 2021, we started a walking held every year through co-hosting by labor and management. In May 2023, approximately 2,000 employees participated.
3) Fall accident prevention
Holding Measurement sessions for fall prevention
As the average age of our employees increase, and is most likely to continue to do so, we held measurement sessions for fall prevention at all of our major business sites in an effort to further enhance company-wide measures to prevent fall accidents. In addition to ameasurements, exercise guidance is provided based on the results to help employees raise self awareness and strengthen awareness of the importance of exercise they will do.
We are also going one step further, working to visualize the level of risk at each business site by tabulating the results and using these to promote future activities.
4) Disease Prevention
Organizing health promotion seminars
Since 2023, the last week of May has been designated "Denka’s Health Week." During this week, we hold health promotion seminars daily to help employees gain the basic knowledge necessary for the prevention of diseases, such as lifestyles and working styles in the era of a 100-year life expectancy, and not only lifestyle-related diseases but also cancer, mental health, health issues specific to women, and anti-smoking. We also hold other health promotion seminars several times a year.
  • * Denka’s Health Week seminar participants: Approx. 600
  • * Number of participants of seminars of Health Issues Specific to Women : 175
Health Promotion Seminar Satisfaction Survey Results
Subsidies by the health insurance assosiation
As part of the healthcare program, the health insurance association provides complete medical checkups, cancer and gynecological screenings, and free flu vaccines for employees and vaccine cost subsidies for their families, as well as free periodontal examinations.
5) External Initiatives

We are also actively engaged in promoting health management among our business partners and contributing to the health of society as a whole.
① Development and provision of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products
② Organizing study sessions and health events with partner companies and other external parties
Health management investment in fiscal 2022 totaled approximately 30,000 yen/employee

Certification as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization, White 500

This certification program is a system under which corporations that practice outstanding health and productivity management, particularly good health management based on initiatives that meet local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. The top 500 organizations certified by the Health and Productivity Management Organization receive White 500 certification.
In January 2021, we established the”Health Support Office”,as an organization for the implementation of this initiative. In April 2021, we formulated the Declaration of Health and Productivity Management, which articulates the philosophy and Denka Principles for our health and productivity management. We have implemented a range of measures in collaboration with the health staff and insurance association. For example, we have started the centralized management of data from employee health checks, and based on the analysis of this data, we have established KPIs. Most recently, we have started providing employees with remote guidance on quitting smoking, deploying a health support app for smartphones, and holding health promotion seminars regularly.
We will continue our efforts to comply with certification standards, and moving forward, we will continue to support the wellbeing of our employees to enable them to work to their full potential, both physically and mentally and feel their own growth.

Declaration of Health KPI

We have started the centralized management of data from employee health checks, and based on the analysis of this data, we will establish KPIs and implement measures aimed at preventing the onset and severity of lifestyle-related diseases, etc., in collaboration with the health insurance association and the Health Promoting Sec. Most recently, we have started providing employees with opportunities to visit remote clinics to assist them to quit smoking and have further reinforced specific health guidance provided to employees. Moving forward, we will continue to support the wellbeing of our employees to enable them to work to their full potential, both physically and mentally.

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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