Denka Group ESG Management

Our Contribution to United Nations SDGs

Updated in October 2023

Our Contribution to United Nations SDGs

  • We believe the Denka Mission, “Taking on the challenge of expanding the possibilities of chemistry to create new value and contribute to sound social development,” to be in accord with the spirit of the United Nations SDGs, which aim to facilitate the sustainable development of society.
    With the SDGs as the compass guiding our efforts to create unique product technologies and solutions, we will support the ongoing advancement of society around the globe.


Product and Technological Development Aimed at Addressing Global Warming

We manufacture chemical products through the operation of electrical furnaces and chemical plants, which require the stable supply of reasonably-priced energy. In the course of a history spanning more than 100 years, Denka has grappled with and overcome a number of hardships that might have otherwise put an end to its operations.
Drawing on lessons learned from this experience, Denka is expanding capacities of its facilities that generate renewable energy while endeavoring to reduce energy consumptions at each manufacturing base. Moreover, Denka is striving to counter global warming via the provision of products and services.
Today, researchers are scrutinizing the proactive use of CO2 to facilitate organic compound synthesis, accelerate photonic synthesis in microalgae and support the growth of agricultural crops. Based on the results of this research, we hope to establish unique carbon capture & utilization (CCU) technologies that help improve our products’ CO2 utilization and thus cut the amount released into the atmosphere.

Thermally conductive materials:
Materials used as thermal solutions in a variety of devices, such as vehicle-mounted electrical components, digital home appliances, power modules, switched-mode power supplies, LED lights, flat panel displays and solar cells, helping reduce their energy consumption and lengthen product life
Food packaging materials:
Striving to reduce the thickness and overall bulk of food containers and thereby helping cut the volume of plastics used while promoting the use of bioplastics
Contributing to the popularization of LED and a switchover to energy-saving lighting equipment
Systematic Resource Recycling via Cement Production

Denka’s Omi Plant accepts waste emitted by communities across Japan as materials and fuels for cement production. Specifically, we accept sludge from water supply and sewage treatment systems, debris from disaster-hit areas and waste soil from construction sites as well as waste oil, plastics and tires recovered via automobile disassembly in addition to automobile shredder residue. Furthermore, we accept coal ash, plaster, slag and other byproducts from thermal power stations and steelworks. Most of these byproducts are otherwise destined to be disposed of via landfill. The resources we accept vary largely in shape and composition, and include a number of items that are unstable. Accordingly, we pay close attention to the safe handling of these materials and maintain the quality of the cement while leveraging sophisticated facility management techniques.
In these ways, our cement business is playing a critical role in collective efforts to protect the environment of and promote resource recycling in local communities. Thus, this business exemplifies an excellent “creating shared value” (CSV) initiative as it helps improve business profitability while at the same time making social contributions.

Company-Run Hydroelectric Power Plants

The Omi Plant is geographically situated amid a web of 17 hydroelectric power plants, including those under co-ownership. These power plants boast a combined maximum output of approximately 140,000 kW, making this one of the largest private-owned power generation network of its kind in Japan. All of these facilities employ a natural inflow type hydroelectric power generation system that ushers river water into the turbine runners and returns it to the river as soon it leaves the generator. Thanks to these features, this type of hydroelectric power plant places a relatively smaller burden on the natural environment.
Moreover, hydroelectric power plants generate virtually no greenhouse gases while serving as a renewable energy source with superior energy efficiency. Thus, these power plants are capable of harmoniously coexisting with the natural environment while generating electricity in a sustainable manner.
Among these, our Kotakigawa Power Plant boasts a history spanning nearly 100 years. While cherishing this historical facility, which has been in operation since 1921, we are also promoting facility upgrades aimed at improving power generation efficiency and the construction of new hydroelectric power plants. The construction of new hydroelectric power plants entails a number of major challenges due to the lengthy period of time necessary for construction and considerable costs. However, we are determined to promote the use of renewable energy by taking advantage of the longstanding accumulation of our know-how in this field. To this end, we will facilitate the understanding of and win the support of local communities while utilizing government subsidy programs. In this way, we contribute to sustainable social development and thereby fulfill our social responsibilities.

Examples of Our R&D Accomplishments
① “SNECTON”, a low dielectric macromonomer for high frequency electronic substrates/Polymer Research Department/ICT & Energy

High-frequency electromagnetic waves are used in next-generation communications characterized by ultra-high speed, multiple simultaneous connections, and low latency. To suppress signal transmission loss associated with higher frequencies, substrate materials must have a low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss tangent. SNECTON is a thermosetting low dielectric organic insulating material designed using our polymerization technology, and is suitable as a resin material for next-generation communications. We are working on market development focusing on next-generation communication infrastructure applications to contribute to the realization of 5G and 6G.

② Development of SN powder for bearing balls/Ceramics Research Department/ICT & Energy

There is a growing trend overseas to replace conventional iron bearing balls with ceramic ones for rotary systems that generate electricity and power, such as power generation systems using natural energy, including wind power generation and EV motors. One alternative, SN, has garnered attention for its superior durability and we have developed an SN powder for bearing balls, which has already been proven in heat dissipation substrates.

③ TBM heat resistant temporary bonding material/Electronic Materials Research Department/ICT & Energy

Denka has developed a new liquid UV temporary bonding material called “TBM,” using acrylic material blending technology and UV curing agent blending technology that we have developed over many years in the adhesive business. We are currently in the process of developing specifications that can support SiC, which will gradually be applied to next-generation power devices.

④ Development of rapid test kit for Ebola antigen/POCT Development Department/Healthcare

In collaboration with the Hokkaido University International Institute for Zoonosis Control, we have developed a kit for the rapid detection of antigens from Ebola patient blood. Clinical benefits have already been confirmed in endemic areas and the kit has been approved for use in vitro diagnostics in the Republic of the Congo. Further, we are working to develop kits than can be used on similar viruses, including the Marburg virus, and are working with relevant organizations such as the WHO to develop practical applications.

⑤ Development of a rapid antigen test kit for COVID-19/POCT Development Department/Healthcare

In preparation for the simultaneous spread of COVID-19 and the influenza virus, we obtained marketing approval in Japan in June 2021 for a rapid antigen test kit (POCT) that can simultaneously diagnose both viruses using a single device, and have commenced marketing activities. As the leading manufacturer of POCT in Japan, Denka aims to contribute to medical care through the supply of such kits, etc.

⑥ Carbonization Agent “LEAF”/Omi Sustainability Promotion Department/Sustainable Living

Carbonization Agent "LEAF" is a special admixture that densifies the structure while absorbing and fixing CO2 in the air, and has the effect of reducing total CO2 emissions during mortar and concrete production.
Denka has formed a consortium “CUCO (CARBON UTILIZED CONCRETE)” led by Kajima Corporation, Takenaka Corporation, and Denka, and is promoting the spread of carbon-negative concrete by integrating several CO2 emission reduction technologies including “LEAF.”

⑦ “Enepis,” a new environmental sheet for realizing a decarbonized society/Polymer Research Department/Sustainable Living

In collaboration with Denka Polymer, we have developed a new environment-friendly sheet that reduces environmental impact by blending biomass plastics with our proprietary technology. The biomass content of the developed products has been certified by the Japan Organics Recycling Association (biomass components of 10% or more). As a food container, it can be heated up to 130 °C in microwave ovens and is lighter than conventional PP with filler (PP-F), which contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

⑧ Sustainable plastic “PLATIECO”/New Materials Research Department/Sustainable Living

Denka has developed a new environmentally-friendly material containing natural eggshells and polystyrene (PS) resin, a type of plastic. This newly developed product uses a proprietary technology that can create a blend consisting of 50% or more of eggshells, and can be further improved by combining ABS resin and effectively utilizing other natural materials such as cellulose. It has the same durability and moldability as existing PS resins, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and plastic waste.

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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