
Quality Assurance Management

Updated in May 2024

Quality Assurance Management

Policy (Quality Policy)

Denka Group has established a quality policy in conjunction with our management plan, Mission 2030, covering a wide range of products including organic chemistry such as synthetic resin manufacturing and resin processing, inorganic chemistry utilizing high-performance powder control technology, and extending to the biotechnology field such as cultivation of bacteria and viruses, and antibody and antigen production technology.

Quality Policy (FY2024)
Denka Group reflects on past incidents of quality misconducts and earnestly confronts "integrity," one of our three core values, striving to prevent recurrence. By adhering to quality compliance and continuing product safety and quality improvement activities, Denka Group aims to earn the trust of all stakeholders, including our customers, and enhance satisfaction, thereby working towards the achievement of Mission 2030.
Strategies for the provision of trusted products and services
Promotion of measures to prevent recurrence of quality misconducts.

Denka Group has taken seriously the full scope of the revealed quality misconducts, as well as the recommendations and suggestions from the external investigation committee. In response, we have formulated the following four "Implementation Items for Countermeasures." Moving forward, we will dedicate our full efforts as a group to these activities, striving for further enhancement of compliance and working towards both prevention of recurrence and restoration of trust.

Governance, Management Strategy, Company-wide Systems
Quality Assurance Function
Quality Assurance System, Quality Assurance Procedures, Certification Standard Management, Auditing/Supervision
Quality Foundation
Technology Transfer/De-personalization, Strengthening Operations at the Site Level
Human Resources
Human Resources Strategy, Human Resources Development
  • Press Release:Findings of External Investigation Committee on Quality Misconduct - December 11, 2023"
Quality Assurance Framework Comprising of Alignment of Three Divisions
  • The company has established quality assurance divisions within its head office, business divisions and plants (incl. group companies). These three types of quality assurance divisions work together organically to improve the overall quality level of the Denka Group.

  • Quality Assurance Framework Comprising of Alignment of Three Divisions

Quality Risk Assessment/Risk Reduction
  • The risk arising from each product is changing by social needs, such as the growing public call for businesses to contribute to the SDGs even as they strive to meet customer requirements for even higher product quality. With this in mind, we annually review results of the quality risk assessments for all products from the perspective of both the market environment and business environment. We also perform systematic initiatives to mitigate various quality risks based on assessments of their characteristics and magnitude.

  • Quality Risk Assessment/Risk Reduction

Chemical Substance Management/Product Safety

We routinely collect and monitor information on the revision of domestic and international laws concerning chemical substances. We strive to respond promptly and appropriately when changes are required in the chemical composition of products or chemicals used in production processes to ensure compliance with legal amendments and further safety.

Improvement of Quality Management System and Management Level

We are promoting the development of quality management systems to provide trustworthy products and services. We are working to further improve the quality of our products and ensure product safety by improving the level of management through our Customer Complaint Management System, which integrates and manages customer complaint information and leads to continuous quality improvement, and our Chemical Substance Management System, which coordinates information on chemical substances with product safety.

Customer Complaint Management System/Chemical Substance Management System

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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