Updated in June 2024
In order to fulfill the expectations and trust of its many stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, local society, and employees, based on the Denka’s Vision (a vision of the future)comprising the Core Value that is the Company’s DNA to serve as the foundation to support the tiers above, Purpose that serves as the North Star to guide the Company, and the Mission that the Company aspires to accomplish by 2030, the Company strives to strengthen its business foundation by improving its earnings power and expanding the scope of operations, while also working to improve corporate value by making every effort to continue being a company that can win the trust and sympathy of society.
The Company considers corporate governance as the foundation for the above, and so we have striven to strengthen governance, in order to fulfill the responsibilities we owe to all our stakeholders, and ensure the transparency and soundness of our management.
Our basic BCP policies are as follows: Even in the event of a crisi...
We consider compliance not only to comply with laws and regulations, the ...
The "Denka Group Ethics Policy" establishes the code of conduct that offi...
Established October 2019 / Revised July 2023 In order to enable all offi...
Having identified more than dozen legal fields closely associated with th...
Based on the "Legal Hazard Map," the Legal Department provides training o...
Denka has formulated and revised its Basic Information Security Policy, t...
In order to further ensure compliance-focused management across the entir...
In order for Denka Group to conduct fair and equitable transactions with ...
Measures to Prevent Corruption The Denka Group Ethics Policy prohibits...
Regarding security export control that prohibits the export of products a...
In order to maintain the fairness of securities transactions and trust in...
Strengthening Groupwide ICT Governance We have been promoting operat...
[Basic Policy] Respect the intellectual property rights of ourselv...
With the aim of accurately satisfying requests from customers and utilizi...