Denka Group ESG Management

Important Management Issues (Materiality)

Updated October 2023

Important Management Issues (Materiality)

In formulating our Management Plan "Mission 2030," the Denka Group analyzed and evaluated ESG issues over the medium-to-long term up to 2030 and reviewed materiality.

1 ESG management promotion framework First Sustainability Committee Meeting (July 10, 2023)

  • First Sustainability Committee Meeting (July 10, 2023)First Sustainability Committee Meeting (July 10, 2023)
  • The Sustainability Committee (chaired by the President) has been established within the Executive Division to supervise the proactive and active efforts of the Executive Division to address issues related to sustainability (medium- to long-term sustainability). The committee meets five times a year with the President serving as chairperson, the Executive Officer in charge of the Corporate Planning Department as vice chairperson, and the Executive Officer in charge of the Management Department as a committee member, with Directors, excluding committee members, present as observers. The committee deliberates and makes recommendations on sustainability initiatives implemented by the Executive Division and the achievement of non-financial target KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). In the implementation of deliberations and recommendations, from the perspective of ensuring transparency and fairness in corporate decision-making and the realization of effective corporate governance, the committee will consider the impact of risks and profit opportunities on our business activities, taking into account the level of consistency between our efforts to address sustainability issues and our management strategies and issues. The results of these deliberations will be reported to the Board of Directors. The Portfolio Transformation Committee (chaired by the President) was established to further promote a change to our business portfolio based on three elements: specialty, megatrends, and sustainability. By incorporating indicators such as CO2 emissions and labor productivity, we aim to achieve our target of 100% three-star businesses by 2030.

ESG management promotion framework

2 Materiality review process

  1. In formulating our Management Plan "Mission 2030," the Denka Group analyzed and evaluated ESG issues over the medium-to-long term for the 8 years leading up to 2030, and reviewed materiality.
  2. The new materiality serves to clarify management issues that are important in fulfilling our social responsibility in the "envisaged world" and "megatrends" analyzed at the time our "Mission 2030" management plan was formulated, and to connect them to individual business goals. With the support of external experts, we evaluated and analyzed the population
  • (Note 2) list of social issues, selected them using the Materiality Map (Materiality Matrix) method, and through the process of formulating a management plan, we identified 14 materiality issues which were finalized by the Board of Directors meeting in November 2022. (Note 2: Population of social issues: Survey items of ESG assessment organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risk Report (2022 edition), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the SASB Standard, and the CDP were analyzed and classified into 23 categories/333 items.)
Denka Group materiality analysis map

3 New material issues (important management issues)

Materiality (14 items)
  1. We have classified materiality issues into two categories, “responsibility and contributing to a sustainable society”, in which we contribute to society through our business activities, and “strengthening our business foundation”, which is a requirement for corporate survival and sustainable growth.
  2. Responsibility and contribution to a sustainable society (5 items) consists of items that the Denka Group should address in order to resolve social issues through its business operations, such as global warming countermeasures, healthcare, and sustainable cities and lifestyles.
  3. Strengthening our business foundation (9 items) is based on the Denka Group ESG Basic Policy, and issues related to human resources, a source of sustainable growth, and initiatives to fulfill social responsibilities through supply chain interaction.
Relationship between the Denka Group ESG Basic Policy and Materiality Issue resolution for each materiality issue

4 Incorporating sustainability issues into management

Setting management strategies and KPIs
  1. Materiality is an essential element to address the risks and opportunities connected to issues of sustainability in our management base from a medium- to long-term perspective and aiming to realize our vision. It should form the cornerstone of our business activities.
  2. Under our new management plan, "Mission 2030," the entire Denka Group will work to resolve global issues, such as climate change and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by establishing management strategies that are linked to materiality.
  3. The new materiality was reflected in each of the individual policies and measures in our management strategy, and KPIs were formulated with an awareness of visualizing progress management. We aim to achieve sustainable growth by resolving ESG issues and improving earnings, and accelerating this virtuous cycle.
Materiality and KPIs
  1. The non-financial KPIs and fiscal 2030 targets associated with the materiality issues identified in "Mission 2030" are as follows.
Policy Non-financial KPIs FY2022 results 2030 Targets
Achievement of carbon neutrality ①Reduction of group-wide CO2 emissions 2.04 million t-CO2 60% reduction compared to FY2013 (1 million tons)
②Maximizing renewable energy generation 146MW 150MW
③Renewable energy + electricity mix with non-fossil fuel certificates 33% 76%
④Group-wide promotion of energy conservation 101% YoY Continue 1% reduction from previous year
Increasing healthy life expectancy and correcting health disparity Three-star businesses 100%
Sustainable cities and fulfilling daily lives ①Contributing to decarbonization and recycling-oriented society through the chemical recycling of styrene resins
  1. Began construction of PS resin chemical recycling plant
  2. Started building a demonstration project with Ichihara City
Establishment of social implementation consortium for PS chemical recycling
②Establishment of CO2 concrete fixation technology Sales expansion of LEAF
Sustainable growth through the creation of new businesses (Financial KPI)
Environmental conservation and minimization of environmental footprint ①Continue zero waste emissions Continue zero waste emissions Continue zero waste emissions
②Address biodiversity, water and other nature-related risks in accordance with TNFD
  1. Formulated biodiversity assessment plan for main office
  2. Conducted preliminary survey using Omi Plant as a model
Implement a response plan for biodiversity conservation in compliance with TNFD
Strengthening of HR development systems Average training costs (per person) ¥ 66 thousand/person/year Double amount compared to FY2021
Promotion of diversity, equity & inclusion Ratio of female/foreign/experoenced hires in management positions 19% 50%
Percentage of males taking parental leave 44% 85%
Percentage of mid-career hires 47% 50%
Health and productivity management and work style reform Improve employee engagement The third employee awareness survey conducted  Visualizing engagement and making ongoing improvements
Overtime hours 160 hours/person/year 30 hours or less/person/year
Taking annual paid leave 80% 100%
Introduction of shift breakers 7persons recruited as shift breakers
Working-from-home rate 27% 2 days/week
Employees within appropriate weight limits 64% 80%
Employees with high stress levels 15% 10% or less
Employees with good exercise habits 33% 40%
Smokers 27% 12% or less
Process reforms (Financial KPI)
Respect for human rights Establishment of human rights policy and through respect for human rights based on the United Nations Guiding Pronciples on Business and Human Rights and the Global Compact Signed the UNGC (June,2023) On-going
Place the utmost priority on safety Occupational accident frequency rate
※Denka (including partner companies) and consolidated subsidiaries with domestic or overseas offices
0.7 The Company and affliates 0.2 or less
Online training for occupational safety and security 77% All group employees
Supply chain management BCP measures based on raw material risk assessment  Conducted a risk assessment regarding raw material to secure BCP, and analyzed the result. The number of raw materials categorized in “high risk” group was reduced by 30%(October 2022 vs April 2020) Zero
Procurement questionnaire implementation rate Conducted SAQ for upstream suppliers Conduct questionnaire for suppliers covering 90% of total procurement cost
Acquisition of high ESG rating EcoVadis Bronze Ecovadis Gold
Improving product safety and quality Integration of quality control systems, raising of control standards Zero Zero
Enhancement of corporate governance Ongoing improvement of effectiveness of Board of Directors
Thorough risk management across the global Group Zero Zero
Introduction of compliance training Implementation E-lerning about standards of conducts for all Group employees Attendance rate : About 80% All group employees
Appropriate operation of the whistle-blowing system and disclosure of responses to whistle-blowing Disclose FY2021 results on ESG information site Disclosure on ESG information sites
Dissemination of Denka’s Vision and management plan
  1. Published the video about Vision & the management plan
  2. Considerating internal penetration measures
Implemention of measures to ensure dissemination of corporate vision and management plan
Group-wide establishment of internal control framework
  1. Completed : 5 companies
  2. On-going : 8 companies
Establish internal control framework for all Group companies

5 Future materiality reviews

In response to changes in sustainability issues, social needs, and stakeholder expectations, we will review materiality issues and non-financial indicators (KPI) as appropriate to reflect our business activities and their mutual impact on the economy, environment, and society in our management approach.

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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