
Information Security Management

Updated October 2023

Information Security Management

Strengthening Groupwide ICT Governance

We have been promoting operational process reforms encompassing all aspects of our corporate activities ranging from R&D and manufacturing to sales and administration, with the aim of enhancing both operational efficiency and corporate governance. These initiatives involve the utilization and upgrading of information & communication technology (ICT) on a Groupwide basis.
At the same time, we have striven to protect the Denka Group’s informational assets from incidents arising from the use of ICT, including data leakage and falsification, and to safeguard such assets from cyberattacks, which have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. To this end, we pursue the development of security infrastructure for the entire Group while conducting risk management-based enhancement of our preventive maintenance regimen. The above activities are guided by a robust set of in-house rules regarding information security.
Going forward, we will help all Group companies at home and abroad strengthen ICT governance supporting their internal control systems as we endeavor to avoid loss and improve our corporate value.

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Basic Information Security Policy
Article 1 (Compliance with Laws and Regulations)
The Denka Group complies with all relevant laws, regulations, orders and other social norms in relation to information security.
Article 2 (Establishment of Information Security Governance Systems)
In accordance with the Denka Group Ethics Policy, the Group shall strive to establish information security governance systems through the formulation of regulations to ensure the safe and appropriate management and use of information assets.
Article 3 (Management of Information Security Governance Systems)
The Group shall strive to ensure the appropriate management of its information security governance systems to prevent unauthorized access to company information systems, and the leakage, theft, falsification, destruction, or loss of information assets, through the use of ICT for internal business operations.
Article 4 (Information Security Training)
The Group shall continuously endeavor to ensure that all employees are fully aware of important rules and matters concerning the management of information assets and information security through e-learning and other forms of employee education.
Article 5 (Prevention and Response to Information Security Incidents)
The Group shall strive to prevent issues in relation to the security of its information assets. In the unlikely event that a problem does occur, we shall take prompt action to address the problem and prevent recurrence.
Article 6 (Continuous Improvement of Information Security Governance Systems)
The group shall continuously review its activities related to information security governance systems and strive to improve systems to ensure they meet the requirements of the times.
Article 7 (Enforcement)
This policy will take effect on April 1, 2021.
Online Information Management

Denka shall ensure management transparency by disclosing corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and the timely disclosure regulations stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Denka will also proactively disclose information that it deems useful to stakeholders, even if such information is not required to be disclosed by law or regulation. We will also create as many opportunities as possible, including financial results briefings, company briefings for individual investors, and our general meetings of shareholders, to further facilitate communication with our stakeholders and reflect their opinions in our management and business activities. Further, by disclosing information that is required to be disclosed under the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on our website only after it has been released by the TSE, we strive to prevent the unauthorized access to such information by third parties. In addition to limiting the number of website administrators and restricting access to work environments, we have established appropriate defense systems and contingency procedures. We will continue to strengthen ICT governance at home and abroad of our group companies in accordance with internal controls, and these measures will help avoid losses and further enhance corporate value.

DFF Inc., デンカ株式会社, デンカ株式会社 IR室, 星和ビジネスリンク
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